You guys, I’m back from Boston, and I had more good times with the bestie than one is supposed to have on a “work” trip, I’m almost certain. We ate all the things (you should def skim Insty for the recap — ps, follow me! :)) and walked all the places (it’s normal to draw every comparison between Hogwarts and Harward, right?). We even cooked LIVE lobbies for the first time ever, and no one died (well…). But but but! They didn’t scream! So it was about 900 times less traumatic (for me) than I expected. Also, when I say we … Read More
Coconut Curried Sausage & Veggie Gumbo (gluten-free)

It’s Fat Tuesday tomorrow! And in case you’re curious how much restraint was required to skip calling it Phat Tuesday, well, 1) buttloads and 2) look how well that worked out. IT’S PHAT FAT TUESDAY TOMORROW! Because if fried and fatty shenanigans aren’t pretty hot and — oh yes — tempting, then I don’t know what is. (LIE. I know what is. Did you guys watch the Oscars? Jessica Biel is neither fried nor fat but girlfriend looked TASTY.) Speaking of tasty, did you happen to catch my 10 Drool-worthy Mardis Grad Recipes post on Full Circle last week? It’s … Read More
Simple Summer Fried Rice w/ Chinese Sausage

I might have said something on Facebook about posting my Saturday post on Sunday. And that might have been a lie. I might have skipped it altogether. I blame jetlag. And cookie chips, because they’re habit-forming and caused me to spend half of Sunday rocking in a corner fiending, which, by the way, does not make for productive blogging. Also: Newsroom. The characters on that show are so damn sharp! I like to tell myself that not everyone follows their quick dialogue like I do. That not everyone appreciates the conversations within conversations. That not everyone feels my deep, personal … Read More
Recipe: Soft-scrambled tofu with oyster sauce, Thai basil and egg
When Chris is out of the house for mealtime, a couple of things happen: 1) I catch up on DVR’d episodes of Real Housewives of ____________ and 2) I whip up a two big portions of a simple, unfussy meal full of comforting flavors — and then eat them both. Tonight was no exception. Tofu is one of those things I always have in the fridge. With sweet and salty oyster sauce and fresh, aromatic basil, this is tofu at its dressed-down best. Soft-scrambled Tofu with Oyster Sauce, Thai Basil and Egg By Emily Stoffel Cooking time: 10 minutes | … Read More