Quiet night here at P&Q headquarters. Leftovers. An obscenely large hunk of brie — and the requisite water crackers. And Revenge. I’m late to the party with this one, I realize. It’s also thoroughly possible that I’m addicted. This is what happens when I’m left alone with the remote control and many lifetimes’ worth of streaming television at my fingertips. What’s a girl to do? Just to keep things somewhat productive this evening, perhaps now’s a good time to post the recipe for the little frittata that was easily the star of the show when Cristin dropped by. For once, … Read More
The more the merrier…or the joy of the Solo Supper (with recipe)
When Chris and I were in Costa Rica, group activity was the name of the game. I’m not sure I’ve discussed it here, but we went not for the romantic getaway most couples seek from a tropical paradise but to spend time with friends at the summer residence of my college roommate’s family. Mornings weren’t early but were bustling with the sounds of three showers running, eggs popping on the stove and the clapping of shoes crusted with mud from the previous day’s adventures. Between me and Chris, Miriam and her boyfriend Brian, our good friend Alex, his generous parents … Read More
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