Game of Thrones warned me: Winter is here! Really! I mean, I’ve been in my CaliBubble for a while, but would you believe the rest of the country is not suffering from a record-breaking drought? If you saw the gigantor snowflakes bombing the asphalt outside my pal’s window right now, there’d be no question. It’s full-blown waynter. (And here I thought the Snowpocalypse was just YA for the forthcoming albino zombie takeover. “Just,” of course, being used super loosely because, duh, I would totally read that.) Anyway. Food! So while I’m here in Minneapolis getting snowed in, I thought yooz … Read More
Farro Salad with Roasted Fennel & Grapefruit

It’s been a big week, I’ll have you know. This Sunday, I ran my first half-marathon — the US Half in gorgeous SF. Then proceeded to catch me a nasty head cold — again. And today, I heard my first Christmas song. Mariah Carey, Christmas (Baby Please Come Home), if you’re curious. And yes, there was a moment where the sheer Christmas cheer was cut cleanly in half by a brilliant stroke of panic that I blacked out Thanksgiving. You never know. That tryptophan is really crippling. Gladly, the half-marathon wasn’t so bad (we had a great cheering section), the … Read More