Something life-changing happened today. I was sweeping up around the stove when I noticed a tiny square of papery onion skin that was stubbornly clinging to the linoleum. (Oh, I hope you’re ready for a story. Sorry, jumped right in there.) And I mean, it was on there, guys. No amount of mashing the broom bristles into that little bugger was gonna budge it. So I got down on my knees, picked at the edge until it lifted, and then — in a move that was only too satisfying — peeled it cleanly from the floor. (Where is that skill … Read More
Thai-Style Roasted Cauli Steaks (guest posting at SLHO)

Hey lads and lasses, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hope everyone’s donning their lucky green skivvies. In honor of this most verdant of holidays, I thought I’d send you over to So…Let’s Hang Out (SLHO), where I’m guest posting about Thai-Style Roasted Cauli Steaks (gluten-free w/ vegan option). See that pretty sauce on top? Totally festive. So maybe it’s Thai, and St. Patrick’s Day is more commonly associated with Irish traditions. But how can you deny that brilliant green, sweet-savory-salty-tart topping of bright herbs, lime juice, savory Thai fish sauce (don’t be scurred!), jalapeenurs and crushed peanuts? You cannot. Since … Read More
Garlicky Curried Noodle Soup (gf w/ vegan option)

When I posted this guy on Instagram the other day, I had the forethought to actually add a squidge of sriracha to the egg. And it looked bangarang, you guys. Bang. Uh. Rang. And then I sat down to edit the pics for this post and realized that, amidst all the excitement of pulling out the big ol’ Nikon and strapping it to the tripod and F-stopping like whoa, I never actually took a real-deal pic of the sauce’d egg. What the eff. I blame #yolkporn. Gets me every time. So this soup: sriracha drizzle or not, it’s kinda fine, … Read More