Yesterday was Emily’s birthday. No, not mine, the other Emily. (But mine is coming up in June, and it’s a big one, so if you wanna send me something…) A dinner party was held in her honor, complete with Moscow mules, darling World Market-inspired favors and an astrologer to get all of our hopes up about our futures. It was incredibly fun and full of such warm, inviting and clever friends. She’s a lucky one. As part of Em’s soiree, guests were each asked to potluck a dish that we’d later explain with a toast to Emily. As in, the … Read More
Sticky Toffee Popcorn with Peanuts & Potato Chips
Ohhhhhh lovelies, if there is one recipe you take away from the Pig & Quill this year, let it be this one. Is that putting the popcorn on too high a pedestal? Perhaps. I’ll correct myself. Ohhhhh lovelies, if you like things that are salty. That are sweet. That are nutty and crisp and ever-so-slightly caramelized, junky and comforting and just completely, justifiably snack-worthy, have I got a recipe for you. A few weeks back, on the eve of my cousin Lauren’s bridal shower, I found myself staring down a dozen kraft paper favor bags adorned with bridal-worthy decals and bows … Read More
Chickenless Udon Noodle Soup (with Butternut Squash)
I was really ready to headline this post with something as rad Leave the chicken in the coop and the noodles in the soup! but I have a confession to make. This soup isn’t entirely chickenless. There’s, gulp, stock. I know, I’m a sham. I’m so sorry. If you veggie folk leave and never come back, I’ll understand. ‘Cept for I would so not understand. Please don’t leave. Just take a peeksie at the note below for a quickie vegetarian/vegan variation. All better? Good. Because I have another confession to make. I ah-door noodles. Maybe you recall my ramen rant? … Read More
Shredded Brussie Salad with Lemon Meyer Vinaigrette (and a Full Circle guest post)
Hi guys! Posting a bit quickly today as I am on the road in Ontario, CA, traveling for business. Haven’t spent much time exploring these parts, but I do recall the last time I was here it was to accompany Chris to his mechanical engineering exam. I spent more than seven hours wandering the expanses of Ontario Mills outlet mall alone. (All things considered, it could have been a lot worse. Didn’t lead to nearly the number of pity purchases that solo shopping usually facilitates.) Get this, though. That was a whopping eeeiiiiggght e-i-g-h-t years ago. Sheebus, time flies. So … Read More
The Bombest. Quinoa. Recipe. Ever…plus a little voting thingy
Yes, you read that correctly! There I was traipsing around in my jam-jams a couple of weekends ago with no intention of whipping up anything spectacular when, whoops, I did. I made something awesome. So awesome that, despite the super huge queue of recipes that I really need to get to posting, I’m bumping this one to the top. Well maybe not the top top, because I’m not quite done here. Speaking of those other recipes I’ve yet to post, I thought I’d do a little polling to see what ye olde readers are yearning for these days. (In case the … Read More