I will be the first to admit that I don’t like cakey cookies. A chewy cookie I can tolerate, and that’s something that’s only grown on me in the past 10 years or so. (College really forces you to get un-picky about the types of cookies that show up in your care packages. I mean, my mom was all over the crisp, crunchy cookie thing, but some of my dorm-mates mom’s weren’t as savvy. We made do.) But every now and then you stumble on something that changes your point of view completely. Maybe it’s a YA novel that brings … Read More
Salted Chocolate Creme Pie with Coconut Whip
I’ve been on a pie kick lately. Last week it was a smoothie that tasted like pie, today it’s a real-deal, legit dessert pie — and next week I’m even talking about quinoa pie. Well quinoa cake, but it’s kinda pie-y. Fuhrreal. It’s so cray I don’t know what to say. A few months ago, shortly after I decided it’d be worth my/your while to break out the good camera, I made a little dessert called Salted Mayan Chocolate Pots de Creme. And you guuuuyyyyyyyys, you ate them right up! Either that or my mom clicked the recipe about a bajillion … Read More
Drunken Plums with Mustard-Caramel Sauce & Rosemary Shortbread (over ice cream!)
Believe it or not, I’m actually going to get right into the recipe today. Pretty incredible, right? No obnoxious detour into what we did this weekend (It was four freaking days long! What didn’t we do!) or how many YA novels I’ve made it through in the past two weeks (Five, you guys! I think that’s a record!) or how my awesome mom and godmom stopped by to gift me and Chris with a funky new cookbook and about 11 lbs of barbecued beef ribs (I have nothing to add! The awesomeness if pretty obvious!). Instead, I’ll just tell you how … Read More
Mini Ice Cream Ginger Snapwiches
I think I may have confessed a time or two…my love for Young Adult Novels? Or YA as the cool kids say. A group I’d clearly like to join, all joking aside. Lately I’ve been sorely behind on keeping up with the other members of my unofficial YA Book Club (you know who you are) — distracted by things like sweet potato obsessions and giveaways and fabulous culinary adventures to time zones afar. The ridonkulous weather this week hasn’t helped, either. Who wants to stay inside cooped up with a book or a ‘puter when there are things like beer … Read More
Mini Pineapple Corn Cakes with Lemon Glaze
Happy weekend, lovelies! What a week it has been. Productive, to say the least. And mehbeh a tad stressful. But a productive week usually makes for a content Emily, and around here, that’s far superior to the alternative. The alternative, of course, being the Emily that’s full of passive aggressive complaints and grandiose insinuations and overly general generalizations that usually revolve around such dramatic statements as, “I’m not sure why I should have expected anything different…” Boy, that gets ugly. Full disclosure, a scant bit, just a wee dribble, of that latter Emily might have made an appearance this week. … Read More