I might have said something on Facebook about posting my Saturday post on Sunday. And that might have been a lie. I might have skipped it altogether. I blame jetlag. And cookie chips, because they’re habit-forming and caused me to spend half of Sunday rocking in a corner fiending, which, by the way, does not make for productive blogging. Also: Newsroom. The characters on that show are so damn sharp! I like to tell myself that not everyone follows their quick dialogue like I do. That not everyone appreciates the conversations within conversations. That not everyone feels my deep, personal … Read More
Mother’s Day Roundup: Brunch-Worthy Bomb-Noms
Yesterday was one of the downest days I’ve experienced in a while. One of those days that makes you crave the comfort of things like good girlfriends and sushi. And frozen yogurt. And beer. At one point I think I literally uttered the phrase “I want my mommy.” Fortunately, with this weekend being Mother’s Day, I can look forward to plenty of QT with both mommy and mommy-in-law, and I can already tell it promises to be just what the doctor ordered. Of course, a swimming pool of ramen and a hammock of Vic’s cappuccino chip ice cream couldn’t hurt … Read More
Five-Spice Chicken & Green Bean Spring Rolls

It’s sharing Wednesday. Or maybe oversharing Wednesday, because Share Number One is… I’m no-pooing. If you know what that means, bless your heart. If not, it’s basically going without shampoo. But it’s not as bad the name implies. I’m just not washing my hair. Wait, does that sound worse? Let’s clarify: No-pooing is basically an all-natural way to cleanse and condition your hair and restore balance to your scalp for healthy, manageable hair sans chemicals, silicone, etc. There’s zero constipation involved — unless you’ve already got issues of your own, of course. Learn lots more about it here and here. And … Read More
The Ultimate Bacon & Egg Sandwich

Happy Easter! We’re staying low-key this Easter and spending a much-needed Sunday doing a whole lotta nothing. In reality, it’s more like a whole lotta housekeeping, but it feels good either way. So while the rest of my loved ones chow down on a brunch of broccoli casserole and pan-fried calamari steaks (yeah, remember those? yum!) in Sacramento, we’re sitting on our sunny sofa luxuriating in the Colbert Report before we embark on a garage cleanout that is three years past due. I know you envy me. Don’t worry, just keep hunting your eggs and snarfing up Cadburys. We can take … Read More
Tofu & Fried Egg Pho with Crispy Onions & Furikake

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but it’s almost April. Can I get a WTF? (Thanks.) Seriously, when did that happen? Where did March go? Or February for that matter? Weren’t we just polishing off Spritz sugar cookies from the holidays a couple of weeks ago? Oh, just me then? They freeze well… As much as I typically love the coming of spring, I’ve got to admit I’m a little sad to part ways with winter this year. First of all, we didn’t really see much of it. A little rain here, some flurries there. We tried our darndest to make … Read More