The windows are a’open, new Daft Punk is a’playin’ and I’m a’stuffin’ my face. (Ooh, sounded a little Italiano on that last one.) In sum: it’s turning out to be quite a lovely day. I’m pretty eager to get on to what will become your go-to, year-round salsa (yep, it’s that good), but first: a few exciting announcements. Hooray! (Should we make them look like a list? I think we should. Wait, is that a bad idea because it will push the pretty Facebook and Twitter images I made too far down the page? Is that bad marketing? Probably. Oh screw … Read More
Grilled Brussel Sprouts with Jalapeno-Honey Aioli

Can I let you guys in on a little secret? Maybe you already know. I’m guessing you do. It kind of has to do with you. All of you. Y’all of you. YOU LOVE BRUSSEL SPROUTS. You do. Or at least you like to read about ’em. It’s true. Proven even. By the important people. (You know, Google and WordPress and Pinterest number-crunching people.) Ain’t no shame, I love them, too. And they’re kind of hot right now, so we should be feeling really good about ourselves for being so on-trend. As in, if neon is the new black, brussies … Read More
Minted Pineapple Salad and Photo Fun Time

Last weekend, I swindled Cristin of the faboo Cristin More Photography into driving into the suburban abyss that is the Peninsula in exchange for brunch. I was prepared for some serious arm-twisting, but she came around surprisingly easily. I’d like to think she was really digging the company, but I’m thinking the promise of bacon had something to do with it… While she was here, we killed two birds (sadface) with one stone and knocked out a few fun shots in the kitchen before tucking into a meal of the fruity salad you see here, a spring pea and bacon … Read More