Rose Milk Popsicles

White Chocolate Dipped Rose Milk Popsicles recipe (via #summer #dessert #pistachios

Hello from the land of Still Avoiding the Ice Cream Truck. Is summer over yet? JK. Sorta. Lana is down to her last two weeks of preschool before a monthlong break, so in a sense, summer in our house is just about to get started. I’ve been not-so-subtly hinting to Chris that we should use this time to get outta dodge — preferably somewhere with both an on-site spa and swimming pool — while simultaneously reminding myself that we live smack in the midst of a vacation destination and the simpler (ahem, more affordable) thing to do would be to stay … Read More

Honey Hibiscus Tea Popsicles

Honey Hibiscus Tea Popsicles recipe (via #icepop #summer #dessert #refinedsugarfree

Last week, Chris took the car-with-the-carseat to the shop for routine maintenance. Sans vehicle, Lana and I were determined to make the most of our new neighborhood, which is close to all that this little seaside town offers: coffee shops galore, our favorite lunch spot (the hen of the woods sandwich, my worddd), the library, playgrounds big and small, the bourgeois grocery store, the decidedly un-bourgeois grocery store — and my personal fave: THE BEACH. If you follow me on Instagram, you know how this day went. It was, let’s say, challenging. Remember when I published that lovely post last … Read More

#pinkdrink popsicles for #popsicleweek // strawberry + green tea + coconut milk + white chocolate

#PinkDrink Popsicles for #popsicleweek! // strawberry + green tea + coconut milk + white chocolate (via

A reader once suggested that the journey to motherhood is akin to walking a labyrinth: a challenging 9-month route to the center, over the course of which that sweet babe grows in your belly, and an equally (if not more) challenging 9 month navigation back to the edge, or maybe more aptly the surface, where you can once again gulp the sweet air of independence and re-assimilate into the society you slowly retreated from, now a full 18 months later. But the thing is, at 18 months (or rather, 9 months out), I still wasn’t quite there. The air still seemed a … Read More

curried cantaloupe + toasted coconut ice pops

curried cantaloupe + toasted coconut ice pops recipe (via #spicy #vegan #dairyfree #sweets

Oh haaaaaay there. Did you miss me? I took last week off to try my hand at being a Professional Boob Sweat Wiper Offer. And guess what? I nailed it. I’d go into detail, but I have a feeling you’ve already got a pretty rockin’ image going on. Plus, my fellow California gals Lily and Gina waxed far more poetic about the recent heat wave than I could ever hope, so I’ll encourage you to head in their direction(s) if you’ve not already. Bottom line: shit’s been hot. This week, however, we’ve seen a slight respite. As in, Lana even … Read More

vegan pb + j popsicles // #popsicleweek!

vegan peanut butter + jelly popsicles (or ice cream) via | #popsicleweek #summer #recipe #vegan

It’s heeeeeeeeeeeeeere! Popsicle Week 2015, aka The One Where I Eat Allllllll the Peanut Butter. I hope your party pants are clean. If you guys have been here for a while, you might recall that Popsicle Week is an annual thing thanks in no small part to Billy over at Wit & Vinegar and his most excellent hosting skills. (Seriously, doing these group post thingies is kind of a tricky bia, so THANK YOU, BILLY. Managing a zillion hyperlinks is fersure a herding cats situation.) You can — and mosdefshould — visit Billy’s official PW page to check out the 65+ bloggers … Read More