ultimate summer blt bowls

Ultimate Summer BLT Bowls - with BBQ bacon, sweet corn, pickled beets, rye croutons, raspberry-dijon dressing and more! (via thepigandquill.com) | #salad #summer #bacon #blt

Hey guys! Happy Friday! This week has been so much fun. On Monday, I stepped in front of the camera for a change in the name of a new gig that’s probably going to elicit aaaallll the face-palm monkeys ever. (Yes, I know they’re not really face-palming…) On Tuesday, the Bestie from Sac came to spend some time with little Lana before she’s suddenly bigger than the both of us and all sassy pants all the time. We shopped and sipped and inhaled Whole Foods’ vegan donuts, which I think might be the only items worth their weight in the … Read More

raspberry basil gingerade fizz

raspberry basil gingerade fizz recipe (via thepigandquill.com) #drinkthesummer #summer #mocktail #recipe

You guys, I don’t know about your parts, but my parts are hot. My parts meaning both of the world and, um, of my bod. My parts are hot. Lana’s parts are hot. I feel like at the conclusion of each nursing session I’m peeling us apart like a sheet of stubborn cling wrap that just is not having it. Poor little clammy kiddo. We’ve been swaddling her nekkie at night (well, diped up but no jammers) in the lightest little muslin swaddle we’ve got and she’s been getting through it like a champ. Because lemme just put it out … Read More

earl grey chocolate pots de creme with honeyed coconut whip

earl grey chocolate pots de creme with honeyed coconut whip (via thepigandquill.com) #dessert #recipe #dairyfree #chocolate

Let me tell you a story. I’ve never actually met Akiko Graham, but I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty that, in addition to being a phenomenally acclaimed ceramist, she’s an excellent human being. Generous and thoughtful and soulful and sweet. And while I’ve never met her children, either, I’d also bet she’s a pretty spectacular momma. Reminds me a bit of my own, actually. A couple of years ago I was managing communications for a renewable fuel company when the phone rang. It was an unusually cold winter in the Pacific Northwest, and the unexpected drop in … Read More

charbroiled lemongrass chicken + tamago banh mi tacos with five spice mayo

lemongrass chicken + tamago banh mi tacos with five spice mayo (via thepigandquill.com) #tacos #asian #recipe

Gonna keep things simple today because we’re off to spend a long weekend with ye’ old granfolksies and homie needs to pack up all the shit that apparently is required for a 13-lb human to function. Oh, ok — to function in style. But it’s a lot of shit, you guys. And that’s not even counting the actual, um, shit. Which is surprisingly unshitty. Wow, really getting you revved up for tacos, aren’t I? Rewind. It’s no secret I love tacos. Or even, specifically, fusion tacos. It’s also no secret I love banh mi. As Joey Tribbiani wold say, put your … Read More

salted chocolate cracker crack (saltine toffee) with roasted almonds

Salted Double Chocolate Cracker Crack (Saltine Toffee) with Roasted Almonds | via thepigandquill.com #recipe #sweets #candy #chocolate

Someone please tell me: how are we on the heels of August already? How can it be that I’ve not yet witnessed a single one of summer’s silk scarf sunsets for myself? More broadly: where have my evenings gone? I won’t for a minute complain that our darling bug takes her bath, like clockwork, at 6:30 every night and is snoozing peacefully by 8. Nor would I trade that solid hour plus of sleepytime snuggles for the sun glinting rosy on an emptying wine glass — but if I could just have my cake and eat it, too, as the … Read More